
Collage Contest Runner-up Shares her thoughts!

Bindu Raghavan has been a active member of the Happy Feet Walkers Club. She walks everyday and never fails to send in her collages whether there is a challenge or not. She finds her motivation from her son Siddharth. Check out his interview.

If you watch the video it becomes evident that she makes sure there is Fun with the fitness and friendship!

She has completed over 150 miles of active walking after joining the club. She ensures that she either finds her walk companions or walks alone, but never misses an opportunity for a walk. Check out some of her collages.

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Little Things Make Big Impact

In this TED Talk, Nilofer Merchant high lights what could harming us more than the so called Technology. Take a Listen!


Here are the highlights of the talk –

  • Note that these days , people are sitting 9.3 hours a day, which is more than we’re sleeping, at 7.7 hours. This could be killing us more than the Technology.
  • Lack of physical activity contributes to 10% chances of Breast Cancer and Colon cancer; 6% for heart disease and 7% for type 2 diabetes.
  • Getting outdoors/exercise, promotes out-of-the box thinking
  • Start small, every step counts. Incorporate walking in your everyday life.
  • Try and promote more walking in organizations- try walking meeting.
  • Walk the talk!

Main take away – Little things can make big impact.

Here are a few things we can do and encourage others to do to be more active.

  • Parking your car a little farther and walking – make the most of it this summer 🙂
  • Take a brisk/short walk whenever possible while running errands
  • Using stairs instead of the elevator
  • Standing up instead of sitting
    • Stand up and/or walk when you are on the phone
    • Consider a standing desk if you can
    • Do not sit continuously for more than 20 mins; Stand up and walk every 20 mins

Happy Feet Walkers – Do you have any other suggestions that we can incorporate in our daily lives? Share it with us in the comments below. Stay active and encourage others to get active. Happy Walking!

Interview with Siddharth Raghavan

Happy Feet members and their families like to share the excitement of walking. Our interview series begins with the first interview with youngest Happy Feet family member. Siddharth Raghavan is a diligent walker and motivator for his mom. He keeps a close eye on the miles walked and ensures that mom continues to walk everyday. He enjoys the challenges and wants to help his mom win it!