One for one challenge: back to the basics collage challenge.
UPDATE: This challenge is now complete. Winner of this challenge with tiebreaker is Ushasri Munnukutla
1 point for every 1000 steps. Only valid for multiple of 1000. Example 2599 steps is 2 points only. So is 2999.
Max points 8 per day. Anything more than 8000 steps will still be only 8 points.
Collages are valid for challenge only if it contains the following :
- Clear picture of steps with date.
- New selfie/photo (has to be of current day)
- A word or 2 describing the day.
- Clearly label your subgroup.
- Date
Everyone is eligible including group leaders.
If collages are not sent for 2 consecutive days then member does not qualify to win the challenge.
Collage has to be sent to group before midnight. Next day collages will not be counted for challenge.