Purple for a Purpose

A year ago I was faced  with the fact of a dear friend being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. She is the epitome of positive, calm and gentle energy that I could not fathom how something like this could happen.

It was a rude awakening to the possibilities of life. But what amazed me then and inspires me each and every day is that fact that she has not let the illness affect her, instead she has given a new found perspective to all around her. Each day I see her with a smile. She continues to be the warm, gentle and funny person who can laugh at silly jokes with a twinkle in her eye. She continues to power me everyday when I think about her (inevitably in my thoughts everyday) and I know that everything will be fine. She will continue to fight through it and along the way light a flame within everyone who comes into contact with her.

Due to her closeness, we (Lakshmy, I and many others too) realize the importance of health, we realize the importance of strength of the mind which gives strength to the body, we realize that if one sets your mind to it, nothing is impossible.

This walk today was dedicated to her. As we continue to send positive vibes and energy her way, we also look within ourselves. We want to shed the negativity, we want to shed the stress, we want to embrace healthy leaving and being gentle and loving towards everything we come in contact with.

We embrace learning about healthy attitudes towards food, exercise and the universe around us.

Wishing our friend lots of comfort and continued return to recovery and good health. We are with you and we love you!

We all stand united in Purple for this purpose!
