Don’t let anything hold you back

As I continue to push myself to walk against all odds, one of the biggest ones being the monster that Ushasri talks about, I feel tempted to preach a little. I promise this will not become the norm.

Well there is a story behind this too. A few weeks ago the boys wanted to go to Sky High extreme trampolines.  As usual the entire family made it to the place. After the boys started their jumping and dad got situated in “monitor the kids mode”,my walk bug started nagging me. “Go out and walk”.

The facility is in an area full of warehouses. Once I got over my discomfort of “not so ideal location” coupled with warnings of being safe by the husband, I headed outside. Immediately I was hit with a wave of self consciousness when I saw the large rolling shutters, super large parking lots, many many trucks and almost turned back. But then , convinced myself that I can do it. It’s OK if I am the only human walking around that area.

After a few minutes , the comfort of walking set in and I was able to appreciate the foliage around me. Fast forward to this cordoned off area bursting with beautiful Prairie flowers.


20150722_203823 Now comes my preaching moment!

Amidst all the pressure, I saw these flowers peep out of the black fence. Not one branch, not two, but several here and there making their break to freedom!

“Don’t let anything hold you back, be it the time of day or that lazy monster or the pile of dishes in the sink. They will all be there when you get back from your walk. The only difference will be that you will have a smile on your face instead of whatever emotion you were dealing with earlier!”