What is Happiness? I always ask that question to my inner self & the answer I get is simple. Feel Good. “Feeling good” is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was ‘Truth’, that your last action was ‘Love’. To measure how highly you have evolved, simply look to see what makes you “feel good”. Thanks to HFWC for creating such a beautiful inspiring platform where we are connecting and empowering beautiful souls. My humble gratitude. – Donna Basabdutta

I have been a member of this amazing group for almost a year . Why do I say amazing , that’s because it amazes me that there is a group of ladies who are extremely motivating , and sharing their valuable time for others . Thank you so much for helping us achieve our fitness goals with friendship and laughter. – Anu Vaidyalingam

This is Sree aka Kukki.
Happy Feet gave me this nickname with love?
I call HFWC my HFWC family as I found beautiful friends here who touched my heart with their beautiful souls; motivating and inspiring all the time and are now like my second family. We all are the pillars of the house and take care of our friends and families by staying active, happy and healthy. AND Happy Feet helps us stay active and healthy.
Previously every winter/holidays I use to think I need to be active and get in better shape. This happened for many years, but once I joined Happy Feet I never stopped walking. And now I look for ways to walk, no matter -10 or +90 deg – I am active. We walk in the mornings @ 5am outdoor walks during spring, summer and fall. In winter we walk virtually with friends and weekly Saturday walks. It time well spent with friends – walking, talking, and laughing. With Happy feet I not only became active, but finished my 2000 miles too.
Happy Feet is my Big Family and
As Happy Feet logo says…
” Fun, Fitness & Friendship”
And that’s what it truly gives – lots of fun with lots of friends and helps us Stay Fit ??

Weekly challenges made it more fun. First 4-6 weeks I struggled to walk even a whole mile but by March I was walking 3 miles a day with ease. I’d made lots of new friends. My confidence had grown and the weight had started to drop off with regular walking and sensible eating. I’d also taken a huge step and entered my first 5K and started walking seriously. It may not look like a big deal but for me it sure was. Since then I have walked 3 – 5K walks and hoping to finish 10K in 2017 that I couldn’t have even dreamed of doing 14 months ago. I’m walking with my walking buddy at work and my hubby at home who I now consider to be 2 of my closest friends. My daughter walks with me when home from school and it is our bonding time.
I’m not sure what else I can say; but HFWC changed my life as it has for so many others. I’m fit, I’m slimmer having lost significant weight and I’m more confident. I have the belief now that anything is achievable with a little help and support. If my story can encourage anyone to make a change, dare to believe and join HFWC – I’ll be one happy walker ??? – Nivedita Ahuja
I joined happy feet family in October 2015 with push from dear friend Kukki ! Thank you Lakshmi for pushing me and not giving up on me.
Before I joined happy feet, I had tried few diets and exercises which helped for few months and I would give up with not much of motivation.
After I joined happy feet, I slowly started participating in Saturday Walks. With help and motivation from my dear friend Niveditta at work, I was able to make walking as a daily routine. Only from Jan 2016, I was actively participating in happy feet making collages and participating in challenges. Map my walk is one of my favorite challenges. With all the support and motivation from members, I got inspired and was sticking to my goals to keep active by walking.
With routine walk and watching what I eat, my weight started to drop which further motivated me to pursue what I was doing. I used to feel so embarrassed to go for my annual visits as my doctor used to tell me that, I need to be more aggressive to take care of my health. This years annual visit was indeed a treat for me to see my doctor so excited to see the transformation in me and advised me to continue what I am doing.
Happy feet has played a major role in my transformation and has created awareness in me. My sincere thanks to Namitha and Lakshmy for coming up with this brilliant idea and all happy feet friends for motivation and support. Hope to continue walking with many more happy feet friends in 2017 ! – Anu Bhuvanagiri
A member of HFWC since September 2015. I was introduced to the club by Vimi Shukla and I’m thankful to her and the starters of this club – Namitha & Lakshmy. I used to swim & walk quite a bit before joining the club but I was not regular about it due to different reasons. I have been a member of EOLA Community Center & VAC since 2006. I used to go for Swimming & more activities with my family. As time passed, priorities changed & we all became irregular with our fitness activities. In September 2015, I joined HFWC and ever since then I’ve been regular with walks and some other activities. I had gained weight due to Sedentary lifestyle but now I managed to lose some weight with regular walks. My old clothes started fitting me again. Thanks to HFWC, my family and some friends (from HFWC and also not from HFWC) for motivating me and to help me prioritize health & fitness again. Due to some other commitments & time limits in lifeI I don’t keep up with every challenge in HFWC but at least I feel self motivated to keep walking and that makes me happy. I don’t want to do anything for a competition but I want to do things that make me feel good and happy. Walking and dancing always makes me feel good & happy.