Happy Feet Walkers Club – June 21, 2016 – One Year Anniversary
Can you believe it has already been one year since Happy Feet started? I myself am amazed when I think of it! It seems only yesterday that Lakshmy and Namitha were asking me to join a small group of just a few ladies to walk and get healthy. Honestly the first week it started, Lakshmy actually made collages for everyone since we didn’t even know how to make them Sounds so silly now doesn’t it? Today we are all such pros at making collages, taking awesome selfies and walking miles on end.
The group itself has grown so much, that there are over 100 ladies all encouraging each other. Rather than just a few messages per day, sometimes there are 100 messages per hour! New members are encouraged by veterans and I am so impressed to see newbie collages with 3-4 miles after their first few weeks of walking. Challenges have ranged from best vacations to most miles walked to Holi colors. Our Saturday walks have keep us all motivated with fun themed walks including sari walks, reindeer walks, Diwali walks, and even a 5K challenge.
On the club anniversary, Mayor Steve Chirico, honored Happy Feet with a proclamation celebrating not only the accomplishment of the club but stating the June is Naperville’s Women’s Outdoor Walking month. This is a wonderful honor not only for the club but for each and every single one of us. Think back to your first day with the club, whether it was a year ago or only a few days ago, what have you accomplished since you started? Let us celebrate each accomplishment and make each and every walk count. Walk faster, walk farther, push yourself a little bit more every day to surpass your limits. Every single walk is a chance to improve your health.
Thanks to Namitha and Lakshmy, our awe-inspiriting leaders, who have encouraged us all to be healthy and lead better lives.
Congratulations Happy Feet on our one year anniversary! Congratulations to each and every single club member for every accomplishment, whether it is small or big! Let’s walk every day, and every where and embody the spirit of the club!