Back to back Miles – Collage Challenge

This challenge is now closed!

Winners with maximum miles:

  1. Dr. Shubhada Lawande – 80 miles for the duration of the challenge

    Dr.Lawande walks 80 miles in less than 2 weeks!
    Dr.Lawande walks 80 miles in less than 2 weeks!
  2. Komal Pitre – 69 miles for the duration of the challenge

    Komal walks 69 miles!
    Komal walks 69 miles!


Members with maximum points will win exciting vouchers !

Contest Date Runs From Aug 17th to Aug 31st 2015.

This is a collage challenge: 1 point for each mile covered that is sent via collage.


1. Points  will only be awarded to member sending in the collages.  Walking in groups is encouraged but does not yield extra points for this challenge.
2. Collages need to meet minimum requirement: mapmywalk image , selfie , surrounding and some text.
3. Only mapmywalk considered for this challenge to allow for consistency of measuring. Exceptions need to be explained and allowed by admins. (Ex: Phone does not support mapmywalk, alternate app should be similar to mapmywalk and show a clear map of the walk)
4. Only whole numbers considered. (Ex: 3.4 miles gets 3 points. 3.9 miles gets 3 points ). So always aim to go the full mile.
5. Collages néed to be sent in daily and walks need to be unique.
6. Should have attended at least one group walk on Saturday.

7. Walks can be indoor or outdoor as long as clear map indicates the walk. Treadmill walks are not considered for this challenge although generally encouraged for fitness.

This means you can potentially win maximum points for each walk as you push yourself to walk more !!

As usual we will diligently maintain points for everyone and update group periodically on the progress.

* Lakshmy and Namitha are not eligible.