Spot the transformation Challenge


This challenge is now closed.

Winners are :

Radhika Jain and Preeti Jain

The group has transformed again to continue to meet the club needs. We also heard many transformation stories in our club survey and want to give you a chance to share that with other members.

This is the first club level challenge under the new group structures is as follows:

Challenge begins on 1/11/2016 and runs through 1/29/2016.

1/11/2016 to 1/22/2016:

Submit daily collages that show your personal transformation from before joining club to now. The transformation is not limited to physical attributes such as weight loss/gain but could be any transformation.

Some examples:

Weight loss (pictures of before and after)

Better stamina(give examples such as can climb 10 stairs without getting breathless)

Better health scores (reduced cholesterol, reduced blood sugar, control BP etc.)

Better emotional health (more friends, more positive , happy, calm etc.)

Challenge Requirements:

  1. Required: Make sure collage still meets basic needs:(steps, selfie, date, group) – 1 Point
  2. Required: Submit collage with your transformation. ( you can even submit one everyday by splitting the various transformations you have seen) – 1 Point
  3. Optional: Additional point for uploading your collage directly to Facebook Challenge Album on HFWC FB page. – 1 Point
  4. Optional: Additional point for tagging yourself – 1 Point
With these points you can accrue a maximum  of 4 points per submission.
1/23/2016 – 1/29/2016
Promote your submissions:
During this week, you can request friends and family to view and “like” your collage submission which is on HFWC page. Each “like” gets you a point.
The collage with the maximum number of points will win an exciting prize from HFWC.
Additionally, all members participating in this challenge are eligible to become Happy Feet Walkers Club Models. It is completely voluntary to choose to avail this option.
As a Happy Feet Model you will get:
1. Professional Photo session
2. Make up and Selfie guidance
3. Pictures used for Happy Feet Website and FB page
4. A chance to become the face of Happy Feet!