Walking Checklist

Since we walk for 2-4 miles on average which takes about 30 minutes to an hour. Here is a checklist that will be helpful for walking

1) App to monitor your workout
There are tons of fitness apps such as MapMyWalk, Pacer etc which help you track the miles. Download an app and start recording your walk

2) Mobile Phone: In case you are walking in the woods, need to reach someone always keep a phone and make sure it is well charged

3) Hydration
Carry water during all walks, make sure you are well hydrated. Long walks can enervate you , even if its cold outside hydrate well.

4) Bug Spray
Mosquitoes are quite common in this time of the year as well as in trails, carry some bug spray

5) Bandana or Hats
When it gets too hot I dip some water and cool my skin. This is quite helpful and protect yourself from direct sun with a hat or sunscreen

6) Whistle
If you are going for a hike in the forest or mountains this helps in calling attention if you are lost.

7) Smile
smile and observe the surroundings, enjoy the sky, enjoy the little rabbit running, the bird chirping and the flower blooming. Life is made of such beautiful moments.